Introducing GIGABOTS Version 2 🎉


GIGABOTS combines advanced AI signals and powerful trading features to give you the edge you need to succeed in on-chain markets.


Discover the Power of AI Signals.

Signals with high predictive power are discovered from enormous data sets using advanced AI/ML. Combine signals to create your own powerful alpha strategies.

Tier 3/4*

Specified Meta

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Tier 3/4*

Trending Meta

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Tier 3/4*

Non-Botted Swap Count

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Tier 3/4*

Top Followed Call Chanel

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Tier 3/4*

Snipers Exited

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Tier 3/4*

Mooner Early Bird

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Tier 3/4*

Mooner Top Trader

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Tier 3/4*

Whale Trade

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Tier 3/4*

Hot Block

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Tier 3/4*

Gas Price Spike

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Tier 3/4*

Global Volume Spike

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Tier 3/4*

Seller’s Domination

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Tier 3/4*

Buyer’s Domination

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Tier 2*

Dextools Socials

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Tier 2*


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Tier 2*

Strict HP Detection

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Tier 2*

Pct Liquidity Locked

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Tier 2*

Pool Age

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Tier 2*

Min 24 Hr Vol

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Tier 2*

Call Channel List

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Tier 2*

Buy/Sell Ratio

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Tier 2*

High Swap Volume

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Tier 1*

Min MC

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Tier 1*

Max MC

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Tier 1*

Min Liquidity

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Tier 1*

Max Liquidity

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Tier 1*

Trading Launched

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Tier 1*

High Swap Count

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Exclusive Access for GIGA Holders.

GIGA Token unlocks access to exclusive Signals and Features.
By restricting access, we ensure GIGA holders will be able to maintain an ongoing advantage in the market.

Tier 1Rookie

Entry-level access to Gigabots.

Get Access
10,000 GIGA
Signals & Filters
Smart Orders
Pre-Trained Strategies*
Custom Strategies*
Smart Sniping*
Automatic Trading*
Revenue Share*

Features marked with * are coming soon.

What Our Users Say.

Gigabots is the preferred choice for smart traders, regardless of your experience level.


What if you combined Unibot with Prophet and Robotrade while sprinkling some gamification on top? … frankly, this one is a lot better than Unibot in all aspects. I love Maestro, but Giga is definitely more intriguing when it comes to features…. For fresh users entering the tg bot game I do know I'll be recommending Giga above the competition.

Useless trading journal

Useless trading journal



Personally, I’ve used other bots and so far @Gigabots_ai is my favorite! Accurate, systematic and efficient. A trial should convince you.





GigaBots speed up the finding, checking, and buying of tokens. I would say it is 10x faster and easier than manually searching for a token to then …. buying on DEX, with so many wallet interactions in between.





What sets #Gigabots apart is their ability to automate strategies, set smart entry and exit conditions, constantly scan the chain for opportunities, and test strategies for success.

Sunny crown 👑📊

Sunny crown 👑📊



I urge all to try @Gigabots_ai. The trader bot really is game changer for me, I love it - makes trading on the go so much easier… and GigaDev just keeps making improvements, it gets better every single day!

Kezz 🔮💎

Kezz 🔮💎



Proven Performance … a call of x600 and a consistency rate over 51%, Giga Signals outperforms the competition….In Just 7 days my on-chain trades have Skyrocketed.

Defi Shinobi🥷

Defi Shinobi🥷


Meet the team.

Our founders have 30+ years (combined) experience in financial markets, crypto, DeFi, and AI/ML.

Giga King

Giga King

  • ML/AI Engineer
  • Hedge Fund Mgmt
  • Experienced DeFi Founder
Giga Dev

Giga Dev

  • Crypto Algo Trading
  • FullStack Web3 Dev
  • Systematic Degen
Web3 Team

Web3 Team

  • Legendary smart contract dev
  • Leading web3 fullstack dev (web/mobile)
  • Experienced defi analyst

Join Now.